// DigiTouch
On-site Acceptance Process is Now Digitalized
DigiTouch is an application that facilitates acceptance processes and automates the process by performing remote or on-site controls of base stations after installation.

The collection of all field data on a single application creates a concrete historical data pool, allows retrospective control and analysis, and a sustainable solution is produced.

// DigiTouch
- The scenario for the admission process being designed from end to end
- Carrying out the remote admission transaction on the field admission without the need of the parties going to the field
- Filling and sharing the check lists which need to be filled in the field through the mobile app
- Controlling the check list which is filled through the mobile application by the required person via a single web application
- Adding the required images to the relevant areas on field form and keeping these based on date and location.
- Controlling through video call via mobile application without going to the field on the fields that require on-site admission
- Performing density and admission rates' analysis based on field and region via web application
- Changing the authorized person depending on the region-based density
// DigiTouch
- Web and mobile application design tailored to needs
- Use and availability of role-authority based dashboards.
- Work and density analysis based on region and party.
- Effort / cost reduction with dynamically generated forms according to the equipment in the field.

// DigiTouch
Benefits of DigiTouch
By moving the admissions process to the digital platform;
Operational efficiency increases.
Site acceptance process are accelerated by 85% due to digitalization of the process
A reliable, concrete data repository is formed.
More reliable results are obtained thanks to the controls on the application.
If necessary, a retrospective, region-based analysis can be made by keeping field data.
Performing retrospective analyzes with reliable and verifiable data.